Song of Redemption

Praise the Father, Praise the Son, and the Spirit three in one
They alone are God and through Him all things are

Man in His image He did make
He did this for His own name sake

To bring glory to Him
But the light began to grow dim

Man he turned away from God
So his life became so hard
Full of selfishness
His life so meaningless.

Separation from the Lord
God's righteousness could not afford
To just let sin go
So man became his foe.

But God's love was great for man
So he made Himself a plan
To forgive man's sin
So that life he may enter in.

The Son of God He sent to die
For His wrath to satisfy
It was the only way
The wrath of God to pay

Praise to Jesus God's own Son
The victory through Him is won
Down He came to earth
To give us a second birth

Whosoever in Him believes
Eternal life he does receive
The Son of God he'll know
So into heaven he'll go.

The Berean Christian Bible Study Resources

Jan 30,2022